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Executive Director — Moonwater
Program Director - Emily Barnett Highleyman
Operations Manager — Jaina Gemin
Community Engagement Manager — Ariel Brownstein
Community Engagement Coordinator — Tanner Thompson
Development and Outreach Associate - Larayne Luthi
Development and Outreach VISTA — Aden Houran-Corkum
Administrative Assistant - Casey Coad

Mediation Program 

Mediation Program Manager — Cynthia Ward
Family Case Manager — Cynthia Moore
Family Case Manager — Ashley Wall
Mediation — Ramona Garcia Slagle
Housing Stability Program Coordinator — Mia Gover
Housing Stability Case Manager - Ryan Gutheil
Case Manager - Sarang Chernov
Mediation Program Administrative Assistant - Megan Clay

EDucation Program 

Training and Facilitation Program Manager - Jennifer Horwitz
Youth Program Coordinator -
Darcy Calhoun Training Program Coordinator - Aaron Foss
Community Links Program Coordinator - Daniel Soloff
Program Coordinator - Regan Pitts

Supervised Visitation Program 

Supervised Visitation Program Manager — Janne Sleeper
Supervised Visitation Program Coordinator - Gemma Roberts
Supervised Visitation Program Associate - Jessica Clay
Supervised Visitation StaffDevin DiBernardo

Board of Directors

Cynthia Clay
Matt Paxton
Michael Riber
Donnell Tanksley
Shasta Cano-Martin
Elke Stevens
Amia Froese
Lisa Hefter
Leah Wainman
Morgan Foster
Sara Wilson

Advisory Board 

Masa DeLara
Marian Exall
Dave Grant
Leon Henley
Phil Montgomery
CJ Nathon
Mary Sass

Staff in November 2023 outside of the WDRC building in downtown Bellingham

WDRC Staff in November 2023. Photography by Katheryn Moran

Feedback? Concerns? Appreciations? Clear communication and continuous improvement is important to us. We value hearing your perspective as our client. If you are uncomfortable or unable to speak directly with the staff member who assisted you, and have feedback, a concern, suggestion, or appreciation, you may email it to and it will be directed to the appropriate manager or director for follow-up as needed or requested. Thank you!