“The WDRC provides a great resource to help kids manage themselves, develop empathy and understanding for others, gain greater insight, and begin to develop these crucial life skills. For time-strapped staff, this resource is invaluable.”
The WDRC Youth Program provides Conflict Resolution Education, Services, and Restorative Practices in K-12 schools, Juvenile Justice, and community settings.
Conflict Resolution Education
Empowering youth in schools, agencies, and the juvenile courts to gain skills including: staying calm, empathizing, active listening, assertive speaking, and collaborative problem solving.
Free & low cost workshops for 4th-12th Grades:
Conflict resolution workshops for groups and schools
Support for youth/peer leadership teams and after-school programs
Parent/teen mediation
Lessons can be tailored to any sized
WDRC youth staff & volunteers will provide one or more interactive sessions for youth to learn conflict resolution skills at your site or online (Whatcom County only). To learn more, schedule a 15-30 min info meeting.
WDRC youth staff & volunteers will provide a short, interactive peace poetry lesson for youth at your site or online (Whatcom County only). To learn more, schedule a 15-30 min info meeting.
I am interested in Youth Program Services!
Restorative Practices
Restorative justice asks “What harm has been caused and what are the obligations as a result of that harm?” It is an approach, with multiple practices that the WDRC can provide, including:
Circles/Conferences: stakeholders express how the issue affected them and what they need to move forward.
Community-building Circles: Discuss group norms, challenges, and gain trust and empathy through sharing. Works with classrooms of all ages.
Impact Competency Education:
Small group or individual coaching for youth to understand the impact of their choices.Victim Offender Meetings: Brings youth, parties harmed by incident, and neutral facilitator in a structured process to ensure accountability and decide how to best repair harm.
Community Links
Community Links deepens understanding and community support to help youth flourish and stay out of the justice system. It is a 12-hour evidence-based program aligned with WA State's Coordination of Services. Through interactive seminars from a variety of community organizations, the program provides youth and their connected adults the opportunity to build skills, make connections, and strengthen relationships between one another.
Who uses Community Links?
Parent(s) or Connected Adult(s)
Community Agency Professionals
Important Information
This program is FREE and required as part of a probation or diversion referral from Whatcom County Juvenile Court
Participants must attend with a parent or connected adult for all four sessions. No exceptions.
The program consists of four evening seminars (typically two evenings/week).
Attendance in all four sessions with the original group is mandatory for successful completion.
Upon completion participating youth will receive 12 hours of community service.
Light snacks and refreshments are provided.
You can call our office at 360-676-0122 to learn more
Follow this link to watch a 15 minute information session on Parent-Teen Mediation!
A voluntary, confidential, & affordable way to resolve conflict.
Parent-Teen Mediation: Whether you’re not getting along, feeling misunderstood, or planning for the future, we can help. Mediation empowers teens and guardians to communicate effectively, solve problems, and reach solutions that work for them. 93% of recent clients reported that their issues were addressed, including: communication, navigating changes, academic issues, roles and more. Parent-teen mediation is by donation with a small administrative fee.
Youth and Peer Mediation: Assisting youth to resolve a conflict, or facilitate a peer-mediation training.
Youth Program Partners
The WDRC Youth Program would not exist without the generous contributions of individuals, businesses, and community partners. Consider contributing to the WDRC!