“As an alternative to small claims court, this process fulfills a vital, cost-saving, community-building service. I was very pleased with the outcome.”
Mediating a small claims case is an excellent choice for clients involved in small claims actions. In mediation, clients are able to consider remedies to satisfy their conflict that the court is not able to address.
Fees: Our services are free for all parties involved in small claims disputes that have been filed in Whatcom County District Court.
In Small Claims mediation, the clients can discuss and negotiate:
Barter or exchange
Return of property
How to move forward
Work exchange
Boundary disputes
Communication agreements
Restoration or closure of past relationship
Other creative solutions determined by the parties
What is Small Claims mediation?
An informal process where impartial mediators guide people to resolve their conflict through discussion and negotiation.
A safe setting which allows all parties a chance to speak and hear one another.
A private & confidential process.
An opportunity to explore options not considered in the past.
A chance to develop realistic, workable solutions.
An opportunity to create a settlement which becomes a contract between the two parties.
Clients that choose to use mediation still have the option of returning to court should the outcome of mediation not meet their needs.
How can I request mediation?
Two options are available to you if you have a small claims action filed:
You may call the WDRC and request mediation before your court date. Either party may contact the WDRC to request mediation.
You may request mediation at court on the day of your hearing. Prepare for court, but, if both parties agree, mediation is available on site as an alternative to a trial with a judge. If the mediation does not reach a resolution, then parties return to the courtroom for their trial.