Whatcom County to Participate in the Statewide Eviction Resolution Pilot Program

Whatcom County Superior Court recently issued a local standing order opting into the statewide Eviction Resolution Pilot Program (ERPP). The Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center (WDRC) is working with deliberate speed and care to coordinate with program partners and finalize program policies and procedures that are in compliance with the new order. In the interim, WDRC remains available to provide services for both landlords and tenants affected by the impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic.


“The pandemic has destabilized housing for thousands of fellow community members, creating a situation in which renters are worried about potential eviction and homelessness, and housing providers are concerned about the threat of bankruptcy and lingering impacts from the eviction moratorium,” stated Moonwater, Executive Director of the WDRC. “With our trained and impartial staff and mediators, we are here to help tenants and landlords resolve these issues before going to court. The WDRC also recognizes that people of color and other underserved community members are disproportionately impacted by these difficult times. To that end, we are available to provide free services to all eligible community members who are affected, and regardless of their immigration status.”


About ERPP

The WDRC’s ERPP helps landlords and tenants resolve nonpayment of rent cases through dispute resolution and access to rental assistance and legal aid. These services promote dialogue and resolution of rent payment plans and other necessary agreements to stabilize housing and prevent evictions. The tenant and landlord may be able to access rental assistance to repay the rent owed, work out a plan for the tenant to pay the rent owed over time, or create a mutually agreeable plan to move out without an unlawful detainer action. To learn more, visit www.whatcomdrc.org/landlord-tenant, email ERPP@whatcomdrc.org or call 360-676-0122 x 115.

About the WDRC

For the past 29 years, the WDRC has offered conflict prevention and intervention services for businesses, organizations, individuals, and families. With a mission of providing and promoting constructive and collaborative approaches to conflict, the WDRC seeks to build the capacity of community members to better manage conflict as it arises, and to learn ways to minimize the possibility of it occurring. Recognizing that conflict is a normal and natural part of life, and sometimes people and organizations need impartial assistance, the WDRC provides education, mediation, facilitation, and coaching services.

The WDRC values impartiality, accessibility, empowerment, collaboration, communication, and integrity.